It's officially midnight at Seattle and the beginning of Incarnate Read-a-Thon for me! The plan is to read Incarnate, followed by Asunder, Phoenix Overture and finally, Infinite when it releases on January 28, 2013 -- and to do it all together! I first found out about this challenge about 2 hours ago from amazing Book Smartie and it took me about 5 minutes to decide if I want to do it or not.
I have never read the same exact book with other people before so it's going to be a new experience for me. But that's what 2014 is for, right? & I really want to stick with it so wish me luck and let's hope that my $25 Gift Card can cover all the costs for this read-a-thon lol
Note from Alexa from Alexa Loves Books: If you want more info or have any questions, you can the founders on Twitter @alexalovesbooks @abackwardsstory. If you want to check out the progress of this amazing event and still join, use hashtag - #IncarnateReadathon. Let it begin!