Thursday, July 11, 2013

[15 Days Challenge] Day 4: Throwing Books & Sh*t...

Day 4. I honestly think that this is the weirdest question so far so I will try to answer it as detailed as I can. Just remember that I'm not a violent person and though I do tend to "drop" things (like my phone, Kindle, pretty much all the other precious things), I am very careful with books lol Again, if you are not familiar with this challenge, you can view it HERE and always join in on the fun!! <3

DAY 3: what's the last book you flung across the room?

Weird question! I don't even know where to start because it seems like I barely read hardcover books anymore since I got my Kindle. Is it only me or actual print copies are dying off? I really hope not!! But here it is... My lowest moment when I flung a book across the room. -drum roll- 

Storm Glass (Glass, #1)Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder

I honestly didn't want to throw it but I was PMSing that day and the beginning was very confusing so I gave up. There was way too many names to remember and it was hot outside... I threw the book on the ground and went to kitchen to pig out on some chocolate. I know! I know, it's a shame.. But hey, it's mother nature right? No amount of ibuprofen could help me that day :(

Leave your links in comments! I can't wait to read everyone's Day Challenge for today!

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