Friday, January 24, 2014

[Book Review] Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)Pandemonium

I’m pushing aside 
the memory of my nightmare, 
pushing aside thoughts of Alex, 
pushing aside thoughts of Hana 
and my old school, 
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame.

This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite.

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Pandemonium was everything that a following up book to best-selling should be. Action, love, adventure, and incredible twists is what makes Lauren Oliver incredibly talented. 

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It was a shock to realize that the book was split up by “Then” & “Now” chapters which was hard to get used to. It told a story of “Then” – when Lena found herself with a group of those in the wild that lived how they wanted while trying to survive. & “Now” – being kidnapped with Julian and trying to stop all the emotions that were going through her head after losing Alex. 

“Grief is like sinking, like being buried. I am in water the tawny color of kicked-up dirt. Every breath is full of choking. There is nothing to hold on to, no sides, no way to claw myself up. There is nothing to do but let go."

I LOVEDDDD this book! It felt different than Delirium but after accepting that it was okay – I fell in love with it. Again. Shock after finding out that Lena’s mother was still alive had worn off. But of course, author had more twists at the end :’(