Title: Uncovering Cobbogoth - Amazon
Author: Hannah L. Clark
Published: May 13th 2014 by Cedar Fort Publishing & Media
Norah Lukens needs to uncover the truth about the fabled lost city of Cobbogoth. After her archaeologist uncle’s murder, Norah is asked to translate his old research journal for evidence and discovers that his murder was a cover-up for something far more sinister.
When she turns to neighbor and only friend James Riley for help, she realizes that not only is their bitter-sweet past haunting her every step, but James is keeping dangerous secrets. Can Norah discover what they are before its too late to share her own?

Title: The Lemorian Crest (Book 2 in The Cobbogoth Series) - Amazaon
Published: August 23rd 2015 by KinStone Publishing, LLC
We are SUPER excited to be kicking of The Cobbogoth Series Blog Tour today. We thought it'd be fun to have Norah give a little glimpse into her world in a fun way, through the legends and fairytales she was told as a child. So we hope that this little foray into the Cobbogothian civilization gets you excited to check out this series.
Hello, my name is Norah Lukens. Thanks for having me on Page Turners today. As you know from my story, Uncle Jack told me a ridiculous amount of myths and legends growing up. He was pretty much relentless, so if you’ve heard of a legend, then chances are excellent that I’ve probably had to memorize it. As a kid, I was convinced telling these stories to me was my uncle’s own special brand of torture, but it turns out he was actually trying to prepare me for something extraordinary in the best way he knew how.
While you and I have probably heard most of the same myths, legends, and fairytales as bedtime stories and such, there are a set of legends Uncle Jack told me in secret that you probably don’t know—legends about the lost civilization of the Cobbogothians. I’m excited to share with you my most favorite of the bunch, especially since I’ve just discovered that Uncle Jack’s theories about myth and history being intertwined is actually true.
Author Interview
• What are three things that as a writer you absolutely cannot live without?
Bottled water, my space heater, and SweetMint Orbit gum.
• Did you have any mind blocks while writing these books and what were they?
Um. . . yes. They included pretty much all of Uncoveirng Cobbogoth. J But thankfully, by the time I started The Lemorian Crest, a wise writer friend told me his secret to working through blocks. He said that when he was stuck on something, he would make sure it was the last thing he thought about before he went to bed. Nine times out of ten, his subconcious would have it all work out for him by the time he woke the next morning.
This actually works, by the way. No joke.
• Friendship in The Cobbogoth Series - Talk a little about how important friendship will be for Norah in The Lemorian Crest.
Without spoiling anything for those who haven’t read Uncovering Cobbogoth, I will say that friendship has pretty much evaded Norah her whole life. She’s a pretty lonely soul, and has been an outcast for as long as she can remember. This is because of the way she looks and the things she can do. When she finally begins to understand why she is the way she is toward the end of Book 1, a whole new world of possibilities opens up for her, and friendship happens to be one of them.
Hannah is generously offering a $120 gift card (Amazon, B&N or iTunes) to one lucky winner! This giveaway is being hosted by the blog tour and is NOT a PTB hosted giveaway. Please enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. Giveaway is open internationally. Also be sure to read all terms and conditions on the widget below before entering.
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