AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SUMMER IS HERE!! I know it might be a little late but here in Seattle it's very rare that we don't have rain (yes, the rumors are true, it's bad.) So.. What did I do on the start of summer? WE WENT TO THE CABIN!!!
Yup, a whole week of doing absolutely nothing! My office was closed on Friday so it gave me a chance to take advantage of 3-day weekend and leave the stinky city. Me & my boyfriend made sure we got tons of food and pretty much just ended up sleeping, eating, swimming, and hiking. IT. WAS. AMAZING.!
Oh & of course that meant more time for me to read so I totally took advantage of my Kindle and while my boyfriend was snoozing, I got more pages in and discovered some awesome books that I'm super glad I've read. & I might have gone for a run in the beginning. But after eating for a week straight, I could barely get out of the car lol

Now it's time for Books 'n' Bloggers Swap Reveal!! This was my first time participating in this event & I totally loved it! For anyone who haven't seen this around, Chaotic Goddess Swaps is a genius when it comes to this! The whole process was easy and my swappie, Shieka from Doctor's Notes was super awesome! Here's the goodies that I was lucky to get from this lovely lady!
I can't get over how beautiful these are and I'm so excited to finally check out Throne of Glass! Maybe I won't be far away from the buzz and finally can catch up to everyones reviews. Oh & I also got a bookmark with a Russian flag picture. I can't believe that she did research and figured out that I was Russian! Just brings tears to my eyes how amazing people can really be!!

let's have a bomb summer!