Author: Alys Arden
Publisher: Skyscape
Date of Publication: November 17, 2015
Seven girls tied by time.
Five powers that bind.
One curse to lock the horror away.
One attic to keep the monsters at bay.
Five powers that bind.
One curse to lock the horror away.
One attic to keep the monsters at bay.
After the storm of the century rips apart New Orleans, sixteen-year-old Adele Le Moyne wants nothing more than her now silent city to return to normal. But with home resembling a war zone, a parish-wide curfew, and mysterious new faces lurking in the abandoned French Quarter,normalneeds a new definition.
As the city murder rate soars, Adele finds herself tangled in a web of magic that weaves back to her own ancestors. Caught in a hurricane of myths and monsters, who can she trust when everyone has a secret and keeping them can mean life or death? Unless . . . you’re immortal.
The Casquette Girls is hands down one of the best books that I have read in 2015. Filled with mystery, fantasy, romance, and magic, I couldn't put it down. Taken place in New Orleans after a huge storm destroyed the city and left so many families stranded, it also shows a different side of magic that's hidden in the broken windows.
Story begins with Adele Le Moyne returning from living with her mother back into New Orleans to stay with her dad. And just because her wardrobe improved, doesn't mean that she isn't still the same girl that had to leave her house when the Storm started. Struggling with the destruction around the city that she knows so well, Adele witnesses way too many strange things that should not happen. Even being able to move things without even touching them starts to wake her up. When she meets two brothers that are even stranger than anything she have seen, her life would be changed forever.
I loved Adele, I really did. Although she seemed to be naive and a little too immature for my taste, I learned how to appreciate her personality and view on the world. The book had a good pace, was entertaining, and will make a great read on those cold windy days!
“And when all was done and all was said, we sat silently staring at the moon's reflection on the rippling river, soaking it all in. The differences between people, cultures and times.
The monsters. The myths.
The heroes.
The victims.
The love and loss.
Loss and love.”
Story begins with Adele Le Moyne returning from living with her mother back into New Orleans to stay with her dad. And just because her wardrobe improved, doesn't mean that she isn't still the same girl that had to leave her house when the Storm started. Struggling with the destruction around the city that she knows so well, Adele witnesses way too many strange things that should not happen. Even being able to move things without even touching them starts to wake her up. When she meets two brothers that are even stranger than anything she have seen, her life would be changed forever.
“In the words of the great Monsieur Baudelaire, 'The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist.”
I loved Adele, I really did. Although she seemed to be naive and a little too immature for my taste, I learned how to appreciate her personality and view on the world. The book had a good pace, was entertaining, and will make a great read on those cold windy days!

Alys Arden was raised by the street performers, tea leaf-readers, and glittering drag queens of the New Orleans, French Quarter. She cut her teeth on the streets of New York and has worked all around the world since. She either talks too much or not at all. She obsessively documents things. Her hair ranges from eggplant to cotton-candy-colored.
One dreary day in London, while dreaming of running away with the circus, she started writing The Casquette Girls. Her debut novel garnered over one million reads online before being acquired by Skyscape in a two book deal. Rep’d by ICM.
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