Monday, November 2, 2015

Secret Santa 2015 Sign-Up Are OPEN!

Secret Santa 2015THE SIGN UPS ARE OPEN! 

I'm so excited about Secret Santa 2015 gift exchange that redditgifts is putting together. This is going to be their 7th year on running it and they have been very successful with the outcome! 

I did this exchange last year and have gotten the BEST Santa ever! I ended up getting personalized notebooks with my name on it, unique wooden pencils, tea, scarf, couple of awesome decor items and bunch more. I love the concept of sharing the gifts during the season with other people and they have an option to be matched up with someone outside of your country so it's not limited to one specific area. I think I might be staying within the US this year just because my finances haven't been the best for the last couple of months but I would love to see people exchange gifts with someone from another country! Hope you guys sign up, it's going to be so much fun! I can't wait to get matched up and start checking out everyone's gifts and what they got as presents :)

have you done secret santa before? what is your favorite part about the holidays?