Hey everyone! I am super excited to be a part of Harlequin Holiday Reads Blog Tour featuring:
- Shannon Stacey's HER HOLIDAY MAN
- RaeAnne Thayne's SNOW ANGEL COVE
- CHRISTMAS WITH A BILLIONAIRE with stories from Carole Mortimer, Maisey Yates and Joss Wood.
Make sure you don't forget to stop by every stop to read excerpts, guest posts from amazing authors, and enter some sweet gifts! Spiced Latte Reads is excited to feature Christmas with a Billionaire, one of Harlequin holiday favorites!
Carole Mortimer, Maisey Yates, Joss Wood
Pub. Date: October 7, 2014
Publisher: Harlequin
Pages: 320
Formats: Paperback, eBook
An embarrassment of riches: three sweet and sexy tales of holiday romance!
Billionaire under the Mistletoe by Carole Mortimer
When softhearted Sophie pulls off a last-minute Christmas miracle for a family in crisis, she wins the gratitude—and heart—of wealthy Max Hamilton. But at what cost?
Snowed in with Her Boss by Maisey Yates
Dutiful Amelia is stranded on Christmas Eve. (Bad.) She's at a five-star Aspen resort. (Good!) She's posing as her handsome boss's girlfriend. (So bad it's good!) But is she pretending…or practicing with Luc Chevalier?
A Diamond for Christmas by Joss Wood
Headstrong Riley's holiday run-in with hot gemstone tycoon James Moreau is unsettling to say the least. But she soon discovers that the only thing better than resisting temptation is finally giving in!
guest post: do you have christmas romance story?
I've always loved the holidays. My family has a lot of traditions, from going down to the woods to get our own Christmas tree, going to my grandparents house to open presents on Christmas morning, having a great dinner—even though I had to sit at the kids table—and playing card games all evening.
December continues to be a significant month to me. Two of my kids were born in December, and it's hard to get more significant than that.
But my most romantic holiday story isn't really a Christmas story. It takes place after Christmas. But it most definitely wins for romance.
I already knew that I would get engaged New Year's Eve. My husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, had asked my dad if he could marry me a few months after we started dating. Yes, he moves fast. I was eighteen, you can imagine my dad was slightly less than thrilled. He told my husband to ask again in the New Year.
And so… He did. New Year's Eve. As soon as the clock struck midnight. My husband is nothing if not determined.
After that, all I had to do was wait for the proposal. We went on a very fancy date New Year's Day, okay, it was fancy for us. It was Red Lobster. Not exactly Harlequin Presents, but it remains a good memory for me.
We made it all to the dinner, and dessert. And nothing. I expected it would come after. We went to Target. And still nothing. Then, he suggested he take me back home. I fumed to the entire drive back. And we live almost a half hour from town, so there was a lot of time to fume. I waited for him to pull over, for him to produce some sort of surprise, but it didn't happen. I was resigned, to not getting my proposal that night. But I wasn't happy about it.
Then he suggested we stop at his house so he could drop off the things we bought at the store before he took me back home. I sighed, and agreed. He asked me to come upstairs with him for a second, and I sighed, and agreed.
When we walked into the apartment, I saw that all the furniture except one couch, in the living room had been cleared. Around the perimeter were strings of white Christmas lights making a bright, glowing circle around the room. He sat me down on the couch at the center of the lights, and got down on one knee. And with tears in his eyes he asked me to marry him.
It might have been after Christmas, but I did get engaged surrounded by Christmas lights.
We've gone on to make holiday traditions of our own, and we've kept a lot of the same ones. Christmas has always been special to me, but it's become even more so now. Sharing it with him, and with our children.
With all of these warm and fuzzy memories, it's no wonder that I enjoy writing and reading Christmas stories. They take all of the warmth and happiness in the holidays and add romance into the mix.
The heroine of Snowed In With Her Boss is like me. She loves Christmas. Loved to spend time with family, loves the cheer and the music. Her hero, however, does not. And when they end up together, he has to contend with her cheer, while she has to put up with his persistent grumpiness.
Fortunately, they find they have a mutual attraction in common. One that is powerful enough to keep them warm while the snow falls outside.
week one giveaway
The Harlequin Holiday Reads prize-pack includes:
* One mass market paperback of each of:
o Christmas with the Billionaire by Carole Mortimer, Maisey Yates and Joss Wood
o Maybe this Christmas by Sarah Morgan
o Snow Angel Cove by RaeAnne Thayne
o The Heart of Christmas by Brenda Novak
o The Lodge on Holly Road by Sheila Roberts
* One copy of Her Holiday Man by Shannon Stacey in the digital format of your choice
* One package of ornament charms
* One box of Harlequin-themed gift tags
* One mass market paperback of each of:
o Christmas with the Billionaire by Carole Mortimer, Maisey Yates and Joss Wood
o Maybe this Christmas by Sarah Morgan
o Snow Angel Cove by RaeAnne Thayne
o The Heart of Christmas by Brenda Novak
o The Lodge on Holly Road by Sheila Roberts
* One copy of Her Holiday Man by Shannon Stacey in the digital format of your choice
* One package of ornament charms
* One box of Harlequin-themed gift tags